Auto Attd
Voice mail must be
idle to record CCR Main Greeting:
- Auto Attendant is assigned to monitor the caller input for routing
The caller dials DTMF digits to request a route to the desired station, station
group, VSF announcement, Speed Bin, or PBX Transfer for the next step.
To record a System greeting from System Attendant,
1) TRANS/PGM + '06'
2) Dial VSF Logical number 01-04 (more than 2 VMIB).
3) Dial the System greeting number(001~202)
4) Press record type (1~6)
5) Press '#' to start recording
6) Press SAVE to save system greeting.
To record a System greeting with External Music Source,
1) TRANS/PGM +'06'
2) Dial VSF Logical number 01-04 (more than 2 VMIB).
3) Dial the System greeting number(001~202)
4) Press record type (1~6)
5) Dial '*'
6) Press '#' to start recording
7) Press SAVE to save system greeting with external music source.
1) External Music source should be connected to the External Jack on MPB.
2) System greeting 201 - VSF MOH, 202 - Multi language greeting.